Monday, February 15, 2010


Kayla & I spent 2 and 1/2 hours at the doctor today, they are treating her for pneumonia. Her blood pressure was high & her oxygen level low. She got a breathing treatment, a shot of Decadron & a shot of Rocephin. They sent her home with a Medrol Dose Pack, a Z-Pack & Singulair. We have to follow up with her primary who is sending us to a Pulmonary doctor. They informed us her asthma has returned. I don't think she ever kicked the bronchitis she got right after her gall bladder surgery.

She also has a hole in her tummy where one of her incisions decided not to close, we are packing it daily but that doctor told her to expect to have a second belly button.

Please pray for a speedy recovery.

1 comment:

Jenn said...

What the?!? should have listened to me..I knew that horrible hacking sound coming from your Baby Girl was full of nasty, germ infested cooties!

Good grief, get better soon!!!