Tuesday, September 30, 2008


My ex-husband, Kayla's S.D. :-) called me at one o'clock this morning. Lucky for him I was at work, not many people can get away with calling me at one am. He had been in an accident earlier in the evening & had just been admitted to our ATCU (Acute Trauma Care Unit). He has a compression wrap on his head to keep the swelling down and he has several fractured bones in his face. Was he wearing a seat belt? NO! Later in the week after the swelling goes down he'll have surgery to repair the bones in his face.

When we were married he drove a 1993 Chevy S-10, when he wrecked he was driving the same truck, 225,000 miles later.

He's a jerk; he'll be the first one to tell you, but I would not wish this on my worst enemy. Keep him in your thoughts and prayers please.

1 comment:

Haley said...

That's an amazing Chevy! Hope he's ok. For Kayla's sake at least!